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Call for Artists

The Fresh A.I.R. (Art in Recovery) Festival

Artspiration and the Teetotal Initiative are excited to announce an open call for artists in recovery to participate in the first annual Fresh A.I.R. Festival! We are seeking artwork from individuals in recovery for this 2-day celebration during National Recovery Month in September, 2024. This free cultural and sober-friendly event at Atithi Studios in Sharpsburg, PA will feature ~50 artworks by novice to professional artists in recovery from substance use/addiction. The Fresh A.I.R. Festival exhibition will provide a venue for artists/creatives in recovery to show and sell their art and will also 1) Celebrate the creativity arising from and within addiction recovery; 2) Create another community celebration of recovery in Pittsburgh; 3) Offer inclusive opportunities for sober community, fun, and networking; and 4) Challenge stereotypes and stigma.

Event Details

Saturday, September 28, 2024: 6 to 9pm

Atithi Studios, 1020 N. Canal St., Sharpsburg, PA 15215

Opening reception with artist meet & greet, acoustic music from sober musicians, zero-proof cocktails and food, and local nonprofits and vendors.

Sunday, September 29, 2024: 12 to 3pm

Atithi Studios, 1020 N. Canal St., Sharpsburg, PA 15215

Additional gallery hours.

Submission Guidelines

  • For the Fresh A.I.R. Festival, we welcome art submissions on any theme, however, as this event is a celebration of recovery, preference will be given to pieces resonating with related ideas, e.g., transformation, growth, self-discovery, healing, hope, resilience, new life, joy.

  • Eligible individuals include novice to professional artists who self-identify as in recovery from substance use/addiction. Preference will be given to submissions from individuals within the Pittsburgh region.

  • ​Artists may submit up to 3 original 2D or 3D artworks for consideration from a variety of media, including but not limited to: painting, photography, collage, sculpture, drawing, textile arts, and ceramics.

  • Generally, accepted 2D art will be expected to be framed/on canvas, and ready to hang with wire/wire loop, unless other arrangements have been made with show organizers prior to art drop off. We will work individually with artists of accepted 3D art to determine display needs and studio capacities.

  • Due to generous grant support from the Staunton Farm Foundation, there are no entrance/hanging fees or other costs associated with submission or participation in The Fresh A.I.R. Festival.

  • Artists may designate accepted pieces as “for sale.” All sales will be managed by Athiti Studios’ point-of-sale system, with checks/electronic payment disbursed to artists within 2-4 weeks after the show. Artists will retain 100% of all sales.

How to Apply

  • You may submit up to 3 pieces for consideration. Please complete the submission form for 1-3 pieces along with up to 2 photos for each piece.

  • Submissions open July 1st, 2024

  • Submission deadline: Sunday September 1st, 2024 at 11:59 pm

  • Please see our FAQ section below for additional information.

Selection Process

Submissions will be reviewed by our panel of representatives from Artspiration and the Teetotal Initiative based on creativity, relevance, and variety. Selected artists will be notified about accepted pieces via email no later than Friday, September 6th, 2024.

Art Drop Off and Pick-Up

Accepted artists will be expected to deliver their piece(s) to Atithi Studios, 1020 N. Canal St., Sharpsburg, PA 15215 during designated TBD times the week of September 23rd. Multiple options will be available.


Artists will also be expected to pick up any unsold/not-for-sale pieces at Atithi Studios during designated TBD times the week of September 30th. Purchasers will also pick up sold art this week. Multiple options will be available.

Contact Information

For questions or more information, please contact Artspiration Board Member Lauren Broyles at

More Information about Us

Artspiration ( is a Pittsburgh 501(c)3 and catalyst for community,

creativity, and connection in Sharpsburg, Etna, and Millvale through the arts. Our explicit foci are community resilience, inclusivity, dignity, and well-being.

Teetotal Initiative ( is another Pittsburgh 501(c)3, supporting sober quality of life and relapse prevention with free high-quality social events and community, in stigma-free and celebratory social atmospheres.


We look forward to receiving your submissions and celebrating the talent and creativity of recovering individuals in Pittsburgh!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1) What’s the deadline for submissions?

Deadline for submissions: Sunday, September 1st, 2024 at 11:59 pm. Please plan ahead; we will be unable to accept submissions with later timestamps. Please refer to the call for artists for other important dates.


(2) How are you defining “in recovery?”

Overall, our goal is to celebrate the growth, transformation, and healing that comes from a recovery experience / journey. We will accept submissions from anyone who self-identifies as being “in recovery.”


(3) I am private about my recovery status. Can I submit my artwork anonymously and/or remain anonymous if my piece is selected for the show?

Your name, email address, and phone number are required for submission. We will respect your privacy, and will not disclose this information. Prior to the show, accepted artists will be asked for explicit permission to include their name and city/town on the wall tag accompanying each piece. Artists may choose to remain anonymous on these tags.


(4) Do submissions have to depict recovery themes or be related to recovery in some way?

We welcome artwork representing a variety of themes and topics. However, as this event is a celebration of recovery, preference will be given to pieces resonating with related ideas, e.g., transformation, growth, self-discovery, healing, hope, resilience, change, new life, joy. The submission form contains an optional item for a brief description of each piece.


(5) I have a really unique piece, large piece, oddly shaped piece, or piece that doesn’t lend itself to framing or typical display options. What should I do?

The submission form will ask about the approximate size of each piece along with any special display accommodations. Please notify us about these issues or potential issues at the time of submission.


(6) How many pieces will be selected for the show? How many pieces can I submit? Is it possible for all of my pieces to be selected?

We will select approximately 50 pieces for the first Fresh A.I.R. Festival, depending on the number, sizes, and variety. Each artist may submit up to 3 pieces for consideration. It is possible for more than one piece per artist to be selected.


(7) Do I have to submit a photo of my piece?

Yes, we will be unable to consider submissions that do not have a photo. Up to 2 photos must accompany each submission. Please see submission form for special instructions re: labeling photos.


(8) Do I have to mark my artwork as “for sale?” And how exactly will sales work?

No, on the submission form, artists will designate whether the piece will be for sale. This will be indicated on the wall tag accompanying each piece. Pieces that are for sale will have a QR code linking to Atithi Studios’ point-of-sale system. Individuals interested in purchasing a piece will do so through this system, and the piece will then be marked with a sticker indicating that it has been sold. Sold pieces will remain on display for the duration of The Fresh A.I.R. Festival, and purchasers will pick up their piece during designated hours the week of September 30th. Within 2-4 weeks of the show closing, artists will receive a check/electronic payment from Teetotal Initiative for 100% of the sale price.


(9) Are there any submission or participation fees for artists?

No, due to generous grant support from the Staunton Farm Foundation, there are no submission/hanging fees or other costs associated with submission or participation in The Fresh A.I.R. Festival.


(10) Do I have to provide a brief artist bio/artist statement or social media handles for the submission process?

No, we do not ask for this information at the time of submission. At a later date, we will ask accepted artists to provide these items for inclusion on the wall tags accompanying each piece. At that time, we will also provide instructions and tips on creating a brief artist statement/bio, if you do not have one.


(11) I don’t live in the Pittsburgh region. Can I still submit my artwork and if accepted, just mail my artwork to you and have you mail it back after the show?

Regardless of where you live, please submit your artwork if you are able to agree to the following parameters:

Artists will be expected to drop off and pick up their accepted art pieces at Atithi Studios in Sharpsburg, PA. Accepted artists will receive additional information about the designated hours for art drop-off the week of September 23rd and pick-up of any unsold/not-for-sale artwork the week of September 30th. Multiple time slots will be available.

Unfortunately, at this time, we are not able to receive or pack/ship artwork via USPS mail, FedEx, UPS, etc.


(12) When and how can I expect to hear if my piece(s) was accepted?

Selected artists will be notified about accepted pieces via email no later than Friday, September 6th, 2024.


(13) Is The Fresh A.I.R. Festival free and open to the public?

Yes, thanks to the above grant funding and our community partners, both days of the event (the Opening Reception on September 28th and gallery hours on September 29th) are free. There are no additional charges for food, zero-proof cocktails, or the music. Bring your friends and family!

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